Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for March 16th, 2024

Snake River Warming water and air temps continue to spark midge hatches and we are starting to see our first tiny winter stones of the year.  Ledge rock pools and eddies remain key holding water types to target, but riffles and seams are becoming more productive.  At times, we are seeing fish feeding right at the head of riffles.  Surface action can start as early as 11am and continue until around 3pm or so. Nymphs…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for February 25th, 2024

Snake River It’s midge fest on the Snake with clusters and mating midges being as dominant as individuals.  Surface action is there, but not often enough to get action consistently on the surface.  When it does happen, it has been in a tight window from around 12:30pm to 3pm.  Nymph rigs are producing better with midge and cdc patterns.  Ledge rock pools, eddies and slow current back channels are the best water holding water types…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for February 8th, 2023

Snake River Ledge rock pools, deep eddies, and the slow current margins of seams are ideal water types to focus on from around 10am to 4pm with nymphs and a tight window of 1:30pm to 3pm with surface flies.  Nymphs fished shallow – two to three feet of tippet – are working better than dries even when the surface feeding is good.  Midge patterns are outperforming other imitations, with CDC soft hackle jig patterns a…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for January 24th, 2024

Snake River Warmer temps over the past week has led to more comfortable and consistent fishing.  There is a two hour window each day for good fishing at the moment, although it is shifty – sometimes its 10:30am until 1pm, others its noon until 2pm, and still others its 1:30pm until just after 3pm.  Surface action is sporadic but best in deeper ledge rock pools and eddies.  This same water, along with riffle current margins,…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for January 8th, 2023

Snake River There has been quite a bit of variability in terms of holding water over the past couple of months, but it seems that finally fish are podded up in their winter lies.  Ledge rock pools, eddies, and seams at the margin of backwater channels are the prime targets.  Midges are the name of the game.  Deeper pools are best fished with double nymph rigs going down to 7ft in some cases.  Shallower water…