Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for September 23rd, 2021

Snake River Claassenia is waning but still decent emergences of PMDs from 11am until mid-afternoon.  Hecuba and mahogany duns can be out in strong numbers on cooler and wetter days.  The entire river is fishing, but the best production is coming on the lower and middle reaches from Moose Bridge down to Sheep Gulch.  Attractor patterns fished with droppers are producing along banks and structure as well as on riffle current margin, seams, and eddies. …

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for September 14th, 2021

Snake River Continuing cool air and water temps are pushing fishing on the Snake River into prime autumn form.  Claassenia stoneflies are still around and Hecubas are making more of an appearance with each passing day.  PMDs dominate from around 1pm until 4pm. Surface action in the morning has been best with larger to mid-sized attractor patterns in most water types, although riffle pools, seams, and side channels with slower currents are outperforming others.  Banks…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for August 30th, 2021

Snake River Flows from Jackson Lake Dam are at just under 3,000cfs.  Cool weather and lower releases are allowing for better fishing than we have had since the first week of July.  Claassenia stoneflies continue to emerge.  PMDs are around on all reaches at some point during each day.  Carpenter Ants dominate the terrestrial scene (although grasshoppers are certainly around).  And Hecubas will be present and in good numbers when wetter weather and cloud cover…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for August 20th, 2021

Snake River Cooler air temps and reduced flows from Jackson Lake have improved fishing on the Snake, especially on the upper reaches from the Dam down to South Park.  Claassenia stoneflies continue to emerge throughout the drainage and Hecubas will be out on days with cloud cover and precipitation.  PMDs can also be present most days, especially from 11am and into the afternoon.  Terrestrials – particularly grasshoppers and a smattering of carpenter ants – are…

Snake River Angler Fly Fishing Report for August 10th, 2021

Snake River Flows from Jackson Lake Dam stand are dropping ever so slightly this week. Still higher than normal but fishing is getting into shape with each passing day, especially with the recent round of wet weather we have had.  Claassenia stones continue to emerge during the overnight hours, making large dry attractors a good way to go in both heavy and slower currents.  Caddis are around in the morning and PMDs are making an…