
Make sure to keep your eyes open for the abundant wildlife that lives in the area! These animals live on the riverbanks, in the woods, and high up in the trees. If you look close enough you could see:



The largest land mammal in North America. Bison are social animals that often form herds, which appear to be directed by older.


Bulls have antlers which tend to drop in March and April. During the summer there are roughly 10,000-20,000 elk roaming the seven herds of the area.

White-Tailed Deer

They spend their summers grazing in the meadows and head to the forests in the winter for protection from the elements.


Usually seen in small families, moose tend to frequent marshy areas and riverbanks. They can live up to 20 years.

North American River Otter

It makes its home in a burrow near the water’s edge, and can thrive in river, lake, swamp, or estuary ecosystems.

Black Bear

Black bears can be black, dark brown, or cinnamon in color. They can climb trees and are the most common type of bear in the area.

Grizzly Bear

Powerful, large, and fast, these majestic bears get their names from the grizzled look of their brown fur. They have been clocked to run 30 mph and enjoy a diet of berries, fish, small rodents, and nuts.

American Beaver

With brown fur and paddled tails, beavers live in large families building dams along the riverbanks.

Peregrin Falcon

Slightly smaller than a crow, with a black helmet and gray under its wings, the falcon nests above rivers to scout for its prey.

Trumpeter Swans

Regarded as the largest wildfowl in North America. It gets its name from its trumpet like call.

Great Gray Owl

The tallest owl with the largest wingspan. Males hunt during daylight!

Bald Eagle

The National Bird of the United States. These powerful birds use their talons to fish.


Fish loving raptors thrive along the Snake and Gros Ventre rivers and lakes.

Calliope Hummingbird

The smallest bird north of Mexico feeds on nectar from tubular wildflowers.


The Rocky Mountain Coyote is a popular species of the canine family and is known for being clever and adaptive. Coyotes have great hunting and foraging skills and are often confused with foxes. Coyotes are around the area all year long and are often mistaken for foxes or small cattle dogs. They can range in color from white, gray, brown, and black. 

Jackson Hole
Scenic Float Trips

Sit back and relax as our experienced guides deliver a fun and interpretive trip through the Old West where the memories of Teton lore and wildlife encounters will last a lifetime. Dornan’s Float Trips have the most experienced and highly trained guides deliver a fun and interpretive rafting experience through some of the most scenic and historic stretches of the Snake River.